Welcome to Texans for Public Justice!

We're an Austin-based non-profit that organized in 1997 to take on political corruption and corporate abuses in Texas. Through intensive research and public advocacy we hope to add a clear voice to debates on political reform, consumer protection, civil justice and corporate accountability.
We hope you'll take a few minutes to browse around the site: Check out our reports on who's moving money through the Texas political system. Our Lobby Watch reports seek to expose those who sell their influence in the capitol. This is our look at Austin's hired guns and the special interests who pay them to grease the wheels in our State Capitol. The Watch Your Assets series exposes the misuse and abuse of the public's assets, through privatization and corporate subsidies.
Read TPJ 2013 Annual Report (Please contact TPJ for copies of the Annual Report)
TPJ's 2013 IRS Filing form 990
TPJ Staff:
Craig McDonald - Director
Andrew Wheat - Research Director
Sean Chitty - Technology Director