Wednesday, November 12, 2003

"Republicans in the White House and the U.S. Senate have created a phony judicial crises for the sole purpose of partisan showboating. President Bush is to blame for the gamesmanship over federal judges. The Senate, under its longstanding filibuster rules that are designed as a check on abuse of majority power, has blocked only four of Bush's most extreme judicial nominees, Priscilla Owen among them. The White House and Republican leaders in the Senate have childishly insisted on forcing the Senate to keep voting on these rejected nominees. Bush can quickly end these games by withdrawing the Owen nomination, and those of the other rejected judges, and instead nominate moderate judges who share mainstream values," said Craig McDonald, Director of Texans for Public Justice.

Groups Criticize Senator Cornyn for
Pushing Phony Crises for Partisan Gain

For Immediate Release:
For More Information Contact:
November 12, 2003
Craig McDonald, 512-472-9770

Statements of Kae McLaughlin, Executive Director of Texas Abortion & Reproductive Rights Action League (TARAL) & Craig McDonald, Director of Texans for Public Justice

Austin, TX: "Republicans in the White House and the U.S. Senate have created a phony judicial crises for the sole purpose of partisan showboating. President Bush is to blame for the gamesmanship over federal judges. The Senate, under its longstanding filibuster rules that are designed as a check on abuse of majority power, has blocked only four of Bush's most extreme judicial nominees, Priscilla Owen among them. The White House and Republican leaders in the Senate have childishly insisted on forcing the Senate to keep voting on these rejected nominees. Bush can quickly end these games by withdrawing the Owen nomination, and those of the other rejected judges, and instead nominate moderate judges who share mainstream values," said Craig McDonald, Director of Texans for Public Justice.

"The Republican leadership in the U.S. Senate is emboldened by their overwhelming anti-choice victories. Now, they are determined to tear down the one barrier left that is protecting reproductive rights---the federal courts," said Kae McLaughlin of TARAL.

"By ramming radical, extremist nominees through the U.S. Senate and into lifetime appointments on the federal courts, President Bush wants to ensure that the courts are dominated by anti-choice activists for decades to come," said McLaughlin.

"Owen's record was thoroughly reviewed by the U.S. Senate and she was found to be too extreme and too far from the mainstream. Owen should be firmly rejected again," said McLaughlin.

"Texas Senator John Cornyn is piling on in the GOP's partisan, cynical charade. While whining about what he calls 'unprecedented obstructionism,' Cornyn ignores the fact that the Senate has approved 168 of President Bush's more moderate judicial nominees. This is more judges than were confirmed in the first four years of the Reagan Administration. When Republicans controlled the Senate, they shamelessly blocked 60 of President Clinton's nominee," said McDonald.

"Senator Cornyn's time would be better spent working for all the people of Texas, not just those in the extreme right wing of the Republican Party," said McDonald.

The following Texas organizations oppose Priscilla Owen's nomination to the federal bench.

American Association of University Women of Texas, Gray Panthers of Texas, Greater Dallas Coalition for Reproductive Freedom, Mexican American Legal Defense and Education Fund (MALDEF), National Council of Jewish Women, Texas, National Organization for Women, Texas Chapter, Planned Parenthood of West Texas, Religious Coalition for Reproductive Choice in Texas, Texas Abortion and Reproductive Rights Action League (TARAL), Texas Association of Planned Parenthood Affiliates, Texas AFL-CIO, Texas Civil Rights Project, Texas Employment Lawyers Association, Texas Freedom Network, Texans for Public Justice, Texas State Conference of NAACP Branches, Texas Watch, Texas Women's Political Caucus, Women's Health and Family Planning Association of Texas, Women's Issues Network-Dallas