TPJ filed formal complaints yesterday with the Texas Ethics Commission against State Board of Education members Rick Agosto and Rene Nunez for failing to disclose personal gifts they reportedly received from representatives of AEW Capital Management of Boston, a firm seeking an investment contract from the board. An investigative report appearing in the Dallas Morning News on October 10 alleged that documents filed by AEW Capital as part of its contract bid reveal that Agosto and Nunez received gifts valued at more than $5,000. The Morning News reports that in 2008 Agosto received a golf outing valued at $324 and Nunez received a football outing valued at $729. Public officials must disclose any gift they receive valued at more than $250. Neither Agosto nor Nunez reported any such gifts on their Personal Financial Disclosure statements covering 2008. TPJ filed the complaints to urge the Ethics Commission to determine if either board member had violated public disclosure laws.
Read the investigative report in the Dallas Morning News.